Join insightful conversations about creating healthier communities.
Healthy Lifestyle

In today’s world where 55+ is the age where health issues may suddenly creep up or where you are wondering how much longer you will have to live with a condition that began before you reached this age. So, let’s talk about all those things, heal together, and create healthier 55+ communities together.
When Ludmilla moved into a 55+ community she was surprised by the stark contrasts of a seemingly active and vibrant community, pained against a picture of a community on multiple medications, and with multiple issues that are often accepted as “the norm” after 55. Not surprisingly was the overwhelming access to the standard American diet with very little to no whole food options, and a limited number of organic foods available at the weekly produce market on site. Despite the amazing facilities and numerous swimming pools, something seemed to be missing. While healing from the loss of her father and committed to educate the masses on a whole food lifestyle, she recognized that communication is key. People like to hear stories, testimonies, and Ludmilla believes that communicating and connecting with the community can cultivate change.
Creating Healthier Communities
Here you are, living, or preparing to live a retired life with the prospect of nothing but time on hands to enjoy each moment with friends and loved ones.
You have worked hard, and finally get to wake up when you want, eat when you want, exercise when you want, travel when you want, play golf when you want, etc. etc. etc. but all of this has consequences, starting with what you put in your mouth daily.
You may have been told, a health care provider or other, that at your age, prescriptions, ailments, and disease are to be expected, and you have been told that a simple change in lifestyle may reduce or eliminate the issue you are dealing with, or maybe no one told you yet.
Whether it is your physical, mental, spiritual, and or social well-being, we want to talk about all these issues and provide a safe space, where we inspire you through our stories, while you learn how to optimize your health and create a more meaningful life.

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