1 cup of Spiced Hibiscus Blend
4 cups of Water
1 Tbsp Crushed Ginger
Juice from 2 Lemons
Your favorite sweetener to taste
Add-on for decoration: Blueberries or Strawberries
Make a large badge of Spiced Hibiscus Tea by either cold brewing in the fridge overnight (add loose leaf blend and crushed ginger, lemon juice to water in a (glass) pitcher and stick in the fridge overnight). If you prefer, boil the water first, after it reaches its boiling point, turn it off, and add the loose-leaf tea blend and let it steep until it reaches room temperature. Add crushed ginger, lemon juice. You can then refrigerate until it is nice and cold.
To your cold/cool blend of Spiced Hibiscus Tea, add sweetener to taste (I have used evaporated cane sugar, agave, and pomegranate syrup, and love each of them)
To serve, pour over ice or if you are like me and don’t care for ice (unless I am just really hot), pour into your favorite glass (I love drinking my tea mocktails in wine glasses) and add your decorations.